We work in partnership with many Multi Academy Trusts and provide a range of value added services. As a company, we recognise your economy of scale to provide unparalleled value for money for our high-quality service.
A partnership with turn IT on offers MATs a range of ongoing benefits including complementary curriculum consultancy support, financial savings on support services across the Trust and a central rebate on all IT installations and orders placed by your academies.
In addition, ICT progress and development can be planned strategically between turn IT on, the Trust and your academies with the development of a three-year strategic ICT plan. Collaborative planning ensures consistency across multiple sites enabling each academy to adhere to the same technical and curriculum standards. The ICT plan can include multi-site solutions, disaster recovery procedures, security policies, curriculum policies and continuous training where required.

Our turn IT on Discover network solution enables groups of schools to seamlessly communicate with each other. Not only are staff able to use a single username and login no matter which school they are at but their desktop experience and files are also identical.