Testimonials - turn IT on

Customer Testimonials

Having grown from one to more than 1,000 schools since 2003, we understand the power of word of mouth. It is a continual source of pride for us to receive positive comments from our schools and we never take feedback for granted.

Our annual renewal rate is over 97%. We hope this says enough about the quality of service that we provide, however here are some further references that we are delighted to share:

We have been working with turn IT on since 2015 and have always found them professional, responsive and able to deliver everything we need from an ICT support partner. The on-site consultant is not only knowledgeable but often goes above and beyond to ensure our network runs smoothly and teachers can use our equipment hassle-free. We are happy to recommend them to any other schools looking for a reliable technical support provider.

Headteacher, Charville Academy, London

Turn IT on have been supplying our school with ESS accredited SIMS & FMS support since 2013. We have always found the helpdesk team to be knowledgeable, proactive and professional, often delivering above and beyond our expectations. The team are very skilled and have been able to resolve every query that we have presented them with. During a recent Ofsted inspection, the team helped us to produce very complex reports from SIMS to present to the inspector which was invaluable when working under extreme time pressure.

School Administrator, E P Collier Primary School, Reading

Turn IT on technical support has been fantastic and professional. They understand school settings and enable us to get on with our jobs as they deal with all our ICT concerns. It is great to have time to plan together each year and I couldn’t recommend them enough. We are very happy, thank you.

Headteacher, St Peters CE Primary School, London

We have been working closely with turn IT on for over five years and have had excellent support from them. As well as providing a very professional and efficient technical support service, we have also been able to utilise their extensive curriculum knowledge to upskill our staff and students. Most recently, turn IT on have been able to help advise on, purchase and install several pieces of new hardware, all of which have greatly improved teaching and learning in the classroom.

School Business Manager, St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary, London

Working with turn IT on for our ICT and SIMS support has made a significant difference to the smooth running of our school. They installed a new server, a suite of laptops and upgraded our whole system to Windows 10 and Office 365.  Their consultants are highly professional and their visits keep our systems running efficiently and our School Development Plan is enabling us to plan our future ICT needs well. The SIMS support team provide friendly and patient support, quickly solving our issues on the first phone call.

Headteacher, Birch Hill Primary School, Bracknell Forest

We have found the turn IT on service to be accommodating, supportive and professional. An individual action plan specific to our school needs has enabled us to develop both staff provision and equipment more efficiently. Turn IT on are always responsive to our requests and understand that not all staff are technically minded. We would highly recommend their service to other schools.

ICT Coordinator, Powell's C of E Primary School, Oxford

Turn IT on have provided us with some excellent support and advice with GDPR.  Signing up for their service has provided us with invaluable tools to help us to think about the area’s we need to consider within our school.  Their consultants have been very friendly and approachable in helping us on our journey of data compliance.

Business Manager, Haydon Abbey School, Buckinghamshire

We have worked with turn IT on for a number of years and moved to their broadband provision recently. We have been delighted with the reliability and speed of the service and we are also saving more than £1,000 from our previous provider. I would recommend turn IT on to any schools considering their future broadband provision.

Headteacher, St Louis Catholic Primary School, Buckinghamshire

Turn IT on provide a personal service, flexible and tailored to suit the school with a consistent consultant to visit every time allowing a relationship to build.

School Administrator, Clifton Hampden Primary School, Oxford


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