
February 14, 2014 9:32 am

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Great feedback from computing curriculum training

Our qualified teaching consultant Raj Panchal has been busy over the last couple of weeks delivering a number of training sessions for partnerships of schools.

Along with the E-safety session on Safer Internet Day at the beginning of the week, Raj also held a Decoding the Computing Curriculum training session for a partnership of schools in Oxfordshire. Feedback on both sessions was really positive; here is one of the comments about the Decoding the Computing Curriculum session:

“I wanted to thank you very much for your contribution to the last BLiP ICT meeting on Decoding the Computing Curriculum training. The content of your presentation was excellent and exactly what the group needed at this stage. I know that colleagues found it very helpful. Many thanks indeed.”

If you would like to book a training session for your school please contact

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