
November 1, 2013 2:42 pm

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Computing is a Tool

Here at Turn It On we have been analysing the Computing Curriculum. We are constantly looking to improve our services and curriculum support for Primary schools and we have been looking at ways of delivering Computing for use as a tool.

School projects and even staff training can feel sporadic, often concentrating on teaching about new technologies and not looking toward the outcome.

We are devising new teacher workshops and class projects that will aim to introduce technology with a purpose. The purpose is in understanding the greater picture of what we want to achieve, and Computing simply being the tool to achieve it.

This list from Bill Ferriter nicely sums it up.


Our free workshops for teachers happen every half term. We will tackle a different strand of the Computing Curriculum each time whilst launching a new project with resources for use in school. The projects will focus on what we actually want kids to do with technology, rather than the technology itself.

The Computing Curriculum is broken into the strands depicted in the Popplet below. Create your own Popplet and collaborate in real-time. Enrol at the Turn IT On Academy on Google+ to book workshops and collaborate on ideas and projects that use Computing.

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