
May 19, 2014 9:23 am

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I Love Mondays

Turn IT On has been supporting Fulham Primary school since 2008. I was a consultant at the school for the first two years, but due to travelling times (since I moved to Tottenham) I have handed regular support visits over to my colleague, Narden. It can be a source of worry changing a schools consultant. We pride ourselves on really becoming part of the school’s staff team and as such for our schools it can often feel like losing a valued member of staff. Well I am pleased to report that after checking in recently at Fulham Primary, things are going really well. Suzanne, the school’s new Subject Leader, kindly passed on some exceptional praise for Narden’s work. She said that his hard work on the technical issues has meant that he is now able to spend time in class with teachers, teaching demonstration lessons in Computing. He runs clubs and staff training sessions after school. With Narden’s support Suzanne has been able to make great steps in achieving milestones on their development plan.

The school will be unveiling the fantastic new ICT suite that Turn IT On have installed after half term. Watch this space for details, including a possible mystery celebrity guest.

Narden emailed me this morning to say that he saw a billboard for REED job recruitment on his way to work that stated ‘You hate Mondays because you hate your job’. Narden’s comment was: ‘ButĀ I thought to my self, I love Mondays, because I love my Job! – Never been happier!

I heart Mondays

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